Larry Michael Lamp

March 6, 1955 - February 13, 2015 Parkersburg, West Virginia

Michael died just 3 weeks before his 60th birthday. He was married 42 years and had 2 sons and 3 grandchildren that meant the world to him. He worked hard and was a good provider for his family. Our life together was a lot of good and bad times. When we took our vows it said it best... and we had it all... "for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, til death do us part" ... A lot of the time we went separate ways, but in February 2010 Mikes life changed ... he was introduced to someone who loved him more than even I ever could. Someone who healed his body and his mind. Someone who cleansed his soul from sin and gave him eternal life. He was a changed man, he spent the last 5 years of his life sharing his story of what the Lord Jesus Christ had done for him. Wanting people to see that Jesus would do the same for them... He loved his family and prayed for them daily. We didn't have the things most people in this world think are important. We didn't live in a fancy house, or drive expensive cars. His finest wardrobe was Jeans and a flannel but he was a rich man. He now is in heaven with the Lord and all his family and friend who have went before him. One day soon we will join him...I miss you dearly Michael ..and I'll love you forever and always

Quotes and Sayings

Mark 11:24 Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.



• May 3, 1973
Brenda L. McClung


- Wilmer Lamp Jr
- Alma Hazel Casto


- Karen Miller
- Carol Alkire
- Mary Lou Rutherford
- Gary (Buzz) Lamp
- Paul David Lamp


- Shawn
- Matthew


- Ciara
- Tyler
- Morgan

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Sep 19, 2015
Brenda L. McClung Lamp

Michael Lamp