Richard S. Price

June 23, 1956 - October 31, 2013 Odessa, Texas

Richard had a hard life. He was a great father to both Robert and Andy. He had lots of other kid's (friend's of the boy's) Son's from other Mother's and Father's as Andy like's to call them. He loved all of hi's Nice's and Nephew's. And his great Nice's and Nephew's. Mainly Amanda, Aaron's girl's and Artie's boy's. Because we spent so much time with them.


June 23, 1956
Day of his birth
February 12, 1978
the day he met his wife Wanda Price
March 18, 1980
The day he married his one and only Wanda Price
October 4, 1987
The day his son Andy Price was born.



Held November 9, 2013.



• March 18, 1980
Wanda Kay Hilburn Price


- Dorothy L. Meyer Price
- Gene Price


- Steven Price
- Janet Price Lent
- Lori Price Smith
- Jeff Price


- Step son Robert Hilburn
- Andy Price


- None

Post a Tribute or Memory

Sep 18, 2015
Wanda Kay Price.

Richard is the love of my life. We met Feb. 12th. I turned 17 the following June. He was 19 he turned 20 the following June. Yes we were both born in June. He was my one true love, my best friend, the love of my life. And there will never be another for me ever. We had our up's and down's boy have we. But I would do it all again just to have him back. End the end he was in so much pain. The Dr.'s said they do not know how he held on so long. I think he just did'n want to leave me and the boy's. But his heart just could not go on. So Andy and I told him to go rest. That we would be alright. I'm not sure I held up to that promise. The Feb. after he passed I had a mild stroke. But I am getting better every day. I miss him every day. I love just as much as I always have and always will. I am still a married women. And my husband wait's on the other side.