Barbara (daughter)
Over the past four years, my father and I spent quite a lot of time together. I thank God for that time. Daddy, told each of us daily, "I love You". Daddy, you are missed!
{Niece} My father and his brother {Sam 'JELLY' Eldridge Jr.} check out this song >
I'm Rosalia Gooden-Lindsey,niece of Jonas Eldridge. My mother's brother. They showed us how to love one another. My uncle is loved,and he meant so much to many near and far. He'll be missed,but he's home now. In ny heart he's alright. My love and thoughts is with my family,and I'm asking that the love and strength he shared with us will help each of us to get through this time of his transition. Celebrate his homecoming. Rejoice and give God praise for our love one is alright. Love you all.
Nephew (Wesley)
Grandpa thank you for being a great role model a visionary are in a great man of God. You have taught me so much on how to be a man and what is it mean to be a vision carrier. You would definitely be missed and I love you and we all know we all love you very much . Thank you for the all and life lessons that you poured into me on those hot summer days. Thank you for being my grandfather and teaching me so much. I have a lifetime full of memories and conversations and joy to share with my family and love ones for generations to come . And I know you're up there enjoying your new mercies Grace and peace to you.
DADDY i LOVE YOU SO MUCH.............While you are in heaven here is your song! One of these morning and it won't be will look for me and I will be gone...I'm going to a place where I'll have nothing, nothing to do...but just walk around, walk around heaven all day. When I get to heaven I'm gonna sing and shout...Nobody will be able to put me out...My mother will be waiting...And my father, too...And we'll walk around, walk around heaven all day... Dear Lord above don't you hear me praying...Walk right by my side...Hold my hand when my way gets a little cloudy...I need you, I need you to be my guide...Every day will be Sunday, my Lord...Sabbath will have no end...And we'll do nothing but sing and praise Him...Then He'll say well done...And my race, my race will be won...And I'll walk around, walk around heaven all day...Walk around heaven...I'll just walk around heaven all day! Connie (Daughter)
Grandpa we love you and miss you.
I am going miss my grandpa...i just want say that think about my grandpa just sit back think about my you so much grandpa...remember you called me Angel of me my Eldridge family...i am your granddaughter of me
Grandpa you will always be loved and severely missed. Thank you for setting the example for those you have helped to raise over the generations. For showing me what a father should be for his family. I love you
Deshaun- Love you Grandad, you will be missed!
Grandpa thank you for being the Strong example of a man. Thank you for loving me enough to be always tell just like I needed to hear it. You are truly missed. I will miss hearing your voice. Love you with all my heart. CATRINA WILLIAMS-ROSS